Dear Sue
I hope this note finds you and your family in good health. I just want you to know how much I appreciate everything you did. I’m no expert working with people, but I did at one stage of my life for 10 years. It was definitely long enough to understand that a smile, a thank you and a helping hand can make a huge difference.
Your compassion, patience, kindness and willingness to help out was incredible and ultimately the reason your company is light years ahead of the rest.
I can tell you one thing: I would never been able to complete this project without you. You went out of your way to reply to emails, when nobody else would give me the light of the day.
I remember saying we were on a budget, therefore I needed to install the system myself and you made that possible. I have so much respect for you!
Just know, from the bottom of my heart how proud and grateful I was that I found your company.
You are always welcome around our campfire anytime.
Yours sincerely

See What Others Are Saying

Sue, Just a note to thank you for solving our water problems. As you know we have had serious Iron and more recently Manganese problems with our water for months – if not years. Eventually the manganese levels approached toxic levels that would have damaged our health. The iron was staining our washing, our dishes and even the side of the house. Your water softening and treatment system has solved the problems completely and we can now drink the tap water again. Many thanks.

We recently purchased a water softener and filtration system from Sue Kelly Water Systems Ltd. Our water quality was so bad it was almost undrinkable due to high levels of iron and manganese. The system she supplied has made a fantastic difference to the quality of the water, we can now drink it with confidence and pleasure. Sue’s advice, service and backup have been second to none and we highly recommend her very professional company.

Knowing we had to improve our water quality we got in touch with you and you recommended us the best treatment programme for our situation. You explained the process easily and were upfront with the costs involved. You were very professional and had much knowledge of your product making the whole process straight forward and hassle free. Thank you very much it has truly made a wonderful improvement to our water quality.

I had the water tested for bacteria and it came back clear but our symptoms were persisting. After almost two months at the address and no answers I decided to pay the money and have further test done on the water. Our test came back showing that our water was very high in Nitrates – the level was 16. It also showed our water was very hard. We Installed a Reverse Osmosis system for our drinking water and the transformation in our daughter has been remarkable. We watched her eczema literally disappear from her body. My symptoms of nausea and lack of appetite have also disappeared. This is just our experience. For us changing our water has brought about a dramatic improvement in our health issues. Nitrates were an issue that I was completely unaware of. We are now into our 3rd week of being healthy and happy.

near the huge improvement we have gained with your new treatment material. We had virtually given up hope of ever being able to just have water on tap that we could use without all the hassles of staining and scale buildup in the toilet bowl, the shower and even the washing machine. We were sceptical but your enthusiasm and the information you provided us gave us hope that this time we really might have good clean water – and we have. It is just so nice to do a load of washing without the stains and scum. We are loving it!
Many thanks Sue.

Sue Kelly gave good advice, very good service and communication and genuinely cared about improving the quality of our drinking
water from our well for our family.



I would like to sincerely thank you personally, and your company, for the thorough and efficient service I experienced in getting our water quality problems solved. We had been persevering with another company and were absolutely appalled with the lack of communication and their seemingly inability to solve our water problems when we decided to try ” Sue Kelly Water Systems “. It is great to realise that there are at least still some businesses that supply the good service that we expect as customers. Thank you


B & G – Nelson

Your customer service has been outstanding, from the 1st phone call. I felt like I was the only customer you had. You took time to explain what was happening and what the best options were. During my disaster phase when the pumps failed you took time to source one for me and get it to your warehouse saving me time rushing to town. The shows a classic example of great customer services often missed by other retailers! Keep up the great work.


We’ve had a great experience throughout the process of purchasing and installing from you. We are loving the difference it has made and only wish we had done it sooner. Thanks




Water in Amberley is recognised as being hard. I needed to de-scale my glass kettle every 7-10 days. I couldn’t see thru the kettle in 2 weeks. Unfortunately I believed the rhetoric from a Nation-wide Company promoting a Total Filtration system for water. It included some filters and a Magnetic Ioniser ” which makes the water behave as through it has been softened “. There was no discernable difference and the kettle de-scale continued weekly. I repeatedly asked this company to provide me with scientific or clinical data to show that the Magnetic Ioniser actually will soften hard water – so far this has not been forthcoming. I was advised to continue with a product ” we know it is cleaning out the pipes and will reduce scale overtime “. However after 5 months and still no benefit. I removed it from my system, took some helpful advice and replaced it with a Salt Based Water Softening Treatment plant as supplied by Sue Kelly Water Systems Ltd. This worked from the first day and I have not had to de-scale my kettle in over 1 year. I use a bag of HydroSoft salt $16.07 every 5-6 weeks. My message is – use proven technology not unproven.

You asked us to let you know about your quality of service and to date we have been unable to fault it. The plumber you arranged to install the water filtration was more than helpful and very clear when giving us information about ongoing use of the system, overall a flawless service !


Thanks very much for your advice and efficient service. Everything has been installed and it has made huge difference. I can’t understand how anyone could live with what was there before. The Plumber was great and explained the whole process as he was doing the job.
K & D



Since we have changed the media in the automatic backwashing system, the water coming into the house is so much better, much cleaner. The water in the stock race has been particularly bad – really dirty, but the new granules are getting it clearer than before. Many thanks.


AB, Auckland




very pleasant and trouble-free. We have been enjoying champagne water since. We will most certainly recommend your company to others we can persuade to try chlorine-free water.


Extremely satisfied with the kindness, speed and professional attitude with which you responded to my call and came out immediately. Very informative and pleasant interaction. Committed to absolute service.

Very happy with your service, after shopping around for various items and prices you services were affordable, and service was provided quickly and in a very friendly manner.
D&BC, Rangiora

SB – Rarangi Blenheim

B & I- Ashburton

B & G – Nelson

C & M – Christchurch

PR – Kaiapoi

Thanks again for your professional service and thoughtfulness’.
R & C – Hinds

No more blue-green hair what a relief! The pipes will last longer now too I guess, but that is secondary to the way I was feeling having such strange coloured hair. We are both delighted – it’s wonderful.
B.C. Ashburton

W. Cheviot

Keep up the good work Sue. Will certainly be telling friends about our much improved water, must remember to take a bottle with me when visiting!!
W & J – Cheviot

The Aqua K in the kitchen provides total peace of mind and protection from Bacteria and Agricultural Chemicals.


Now the water is crystal clear, no taste, no smell, the WC pan has been scrubbed and the iron stain has gone. And the gin and tonics are better than ever! Thank you, Sue for changing our water supply so radically – we appreciate it so much every time we are there.
P & P, Hanmer

A.J and S.J Waipara

R & E, Brooklands, Christchurcht

J & L, Hinds

W & K, Ashburton

AB, Auckland

Hi Sue, Just like to say Thank You! Our water is now crystal clear and tastes of absolutely nothing, which is how water should taste! We have told a number of people about your excellent service, and will continue to do so. If you wish to use us for a reference you are more than welcome indeed. Regards,
K & Z, Kaiapoi

P & K, Little River

E & A, Harewood, Christchurch

P & W, Morrinsville, Hamilton

AF, Christchurch

KP, Leeston

LT, Ashburton

JH, Christchurch

Hello Sue, Just thought I’d send a quick email to let you know that all the equipment arrived and I managed to install it with no problems. So far (and I presume it won’t change) the water is ‘perfect’. My ‘white’ singlet (that was partially/mostly brown) has returned to white, the shower is white again (after a lot of scrubbing to get the rust colour off) and has not browned at all since, and the metallic taste/smell has gone completely. Even the bath is back in use. The water even ‘feels’ nicer to the touch. We’re using a lot more water than we used to, and I’m not looking forward to the power bill, but it is great. I’m now definitely convinced that a bore with a good filter system is a much better option for water supply in this area than a huge tank like most have. Thanks for your help and service. Regards
TW, Ohakune



The water in the storage tank is now crystal clear when it was very cloudy and the water taste is now very good at the tap compared to the old system.